

Automation is a huge part of the industry these days. Here at Future Electrix we strongly believe that it is the place to be.


Automation opens the door for so many options:


  • Better control of your machinery
  • Higher output quality
  • More accurate data collection
  • Real-time information on the status of your machinery,

just to name a few.


Having better control and knowledge of what is happening with your equipment helps you identify and prioritise the key areas that will increase quality, as well as up time and output.


There seems to be a large misconception that automation is “BAD” because everyone is going to lose their jobs; this couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes there will be tasks that become redundant or un-necessary with the implementation of better automation, but this doesn’t directly mean loss of jobs.


We see that it opens new tasks that were previously not required, so better control directly relates to higher production output. This means your operators can focus on things like product quality, identifying issues before they become a breakdown and identifying ways to improve the equipment output.
